3 Causes of Asphalt Shingle Blisters

Asphalt shingle roofs are a popular choice because of their reasonable price and reliable quality. However, asphalt shingle roofs can suffer from blisters due to extreme heat and poor ventilation. Here are three causes of asphalt shingle blistering and their solutions.

1. Trapped Moisture

Asphalt has good moisture resistance. However, it expands under the sun’s heat, causing the shingles to loosen and separate. In highly humid areas, this expansion causes gaps in the shingles, allowing moisture to get trapped and cause blisters.

Solution: Installing an effective roof vent prevents the expansion of roof shingles that leads to trapped moisture. Before building your home, you should invest in a good roof vent design to prolong the life span of your asphalt shingles. With proper ventilation, moisture will evaporate, and asphalt shingles won’t expand and trap moisture.

2. Poor Ventilation

Excessive heat in the attic creates uneven pressure between the inside and outside of the attic space. Aside from poor insulation, your attic’s inadequate ventilation will cause your asphalt shingles to heat up rapidly and expand, allowing moisture to get trapped and the asphalt to develop blisters.

Solution: Installing an effective roof ventilation system reduces asphalt shingle expansion. If your existing attic ventilation seems ineffective, call on reliable roofers to help you design a ventilation system that’s right for your space.

3. Extreme Heat

Temperatures are naturally warmer in the summer, and this can cause asphalt shingles to blister and trap moisture. In extreme cases, even well-designed roof vents aren’t enough to dissipate the heat and cool down asphalt shingles.

Solution: A roofer can help you redesign or create new roof vents to ensure your roof’s temperature remains consistent. When replacing your roof, take time to revisit your roof ventilation design to ensure it will be effective at removing heat and preventing new asphalt shingles from cracking.

Have a professional roofing contractor inspect your roof to prevent shingle blisters from getting worse. With decades of experience, NorthWest Construction can help with all your roofing needs. Contact us at (313) 277-7676 or fill out our contact form to get a free consultation with us today.