Budgeting Your Roof Replacement Project

Replacing the roof will be among your biggest expenses short of buying a new house or doing a complete structural makeover during bathroom remodeling. As such, it’s vital to prepare your finances properly.

In this post, Northwest Construction discusses things to remember when creating a budget for your roof replacement project.

Keep the Roofing Materials in Mind

There is wide a selection of roofing materials to choose from, such as the ever ubiquitous asphalt, metal and tile to rubber roofing membranes for flat roofs. These range in weather-tolerance and durability, but also differ in price, too.

Consider the upfront price and long-term value of the roofing material carefully. Metal and dimensional asphalt roofs may cost more when you compare them to three-tab shingles, but they are more durable and last longer.

Budget for the Unexpected

Some roof replacement projects will require you to do repair work, especially if the roof is old or has sustained some form of storm damage recently. These unforeseen costs can blindside you, so prepare your budget for these hidden costs. As your local roofing and siding experts, we offer in-depth roof inspection for your next replacement project.

Hire a Professional Roofer

Many homeowners see DIY roof replacement as a cost-effective alternative. While the upfront cost is technically low, it puts the roof and yourself at a huge risk that translates to higher costs in the long run. When a roof is not properly installed, it can start experiencing roofing problems in just three to four years and will have a shorter operating life span. DIY replacement also forces you to invest in tools and equipment that you’ll probably only use once, which can be a waste of money that could have gone somewhere else.

At Northwest Construction, we are experts in replacing roofs. You can count on our team to properly replace your old or damaged roof. We also offer kitchen remodeling services. Give us a call at (313) 277-7676 for more information on our services. We are roof and siding experts in Farmington Hills, Livonia and Canton, MI.