The Basic Components of an Asphalt Shingle Roof

Even if you don’t plan to do any kind of roofing work yourself, it is still useful for homeowners to have a basic understanding of their roofing system. Contrary to what some people might think, your roof is made up of more than just your shingles. In today’s post, we give you a brief overview of the main components of an asphalt shingle roof so that you can be better equipped to handle any issues you might face in the future.

Asphalt Shingles

Shingles form the outermost layer of your roofing system. Shingles are a water-shedding and weather-resistant surface and come in a wide variety to create a unique look for your home.


Think of it as a secondary water barrier. The underlayment provides an added layer of protection between your wood deck and asphalt shingles. 

Ice and Water Barriers

As the name suggests, these components protect the vulnerable areas of your roof, such as around skylights, vents and chimneys, from ice and water.

Starter Strips

These form the first row of sealants used for proper shingle installation. Without starter strips, your roof would be vulnerable to shingle blow-offs and water penetration.

Hip and Ridge Shingles

Aside from your regular shingles, hip and ridge shingles are used to cover the horizontal lines at the top edge of two sloping roof planes as well as the vertical lines from two adjoined sloping roof planes.

Ventilation System

Vents in your roof allow excess heat and moisture to escape from the attic. Good ventilation helps prevent ice damming as well as shingle deterioration by keeping your attic at a moderate temperature. 

For all your roof-related needs, turn to the experts at NorthWest Construction. We faithfully serve residents in West Bloomfield, Dearborn and Taylor, MI, as well as their nearby areas. Call us today at (313) 277-7676 or fill out our contact form to request a free consultation.