The “Roofing System”

Our company mantra at NorthWest Construction is that “It’s All About the House” and this is especially important when it comes to the partnership between the three components of what we like to call your “Roofing System.”

The “Roofing System” is the connection between your home’s Roof along with proper Insulation and Ventilation of your attic space. This partnership is absolutely critical to the energy efficiency and overall comfort of your home. In addition to the comfort level of your indoor living spaces, you might be wasting a great deal of Energy and Money (utility bills)

Proper Attic Ventilation in the winter keeps your attic at a cool temperature. This cool temperature prevents snow from melting on your roof to recollect on the eves of your property in the form of ice dams. Ice dams can cause significant structural and water damage to your roof, including mold on the inside of your attic.

During the summer, proper attic ventilation is necessary to remove super-heated air from the attic space. This helps improve energy efficiency and the comfort levels within your home. In addition, proper attic ventilation reduces wear and tear on your roofing system and removes moisture from your home’s interior.

If you have any of the following occurring in your home, you could likely use an inspection of your Attic’s Insulation and Ventilation:

If you would like an inspection of your roof, please call Terry Burke at 313-277-7676, email Terry at or CLICK HERE and Fill Out Online Contact Form

CLICK HERE To Learn More about How Your Roofing System  Interacts During “Cooling Season” (Summer) or “Heating Season” Winter.