5 Dangers of Long-Delayed Roof Replacements

Taking the status of your roof for granted could cost you a much larger price in the long run. For example, letting a small leak go untreated or leaving blocked gutters untouched could result in further damage and safety issues for you and your family. To help you understand the possible outcomes of delaying your roof replacement, here are some problems that can arise from neglected roofing issues:

1. Water Damage

Old roofs that are not replaced right away usually lead to water damage. When water starts to flow in areas of your roof, it can cause rotting and affect the stability of your entire home. So, it’s really important that once you notice early signs of damage, to move quickly in getting your roof repaired or replaced right away.

2. Health Hazards

Prolonged issues like leaks can lead to mold and mildew growth. This can put your family’s health and well-being at risk, especially among asthma sufferers because mold can cause coughing, chest tightness and throat irritations.

3. Structural Collapse

One of the major factors of structural damage is excessive and continuous water leakage. Heavy deterioration causes the beams of your house to wear and rot away, which can eventually lead to a roof collapse and compromise the integrity of the overall structure of your home. 

4. Home Devaluation

Apart from functioning poorly, a rotting roof kills the curb appeal of your home. Roof repair and replacement is definitely a renovation you need to do, especially if you are planning to sell your property or have it rented. On the other hand, replacing your old roof will also help you increase the value of your property as well as your net worth.

5. Fire Risk

Neglecting your roof repair and replacement needs may unknowingly put yourself and your family closer to the possibility of a house fire. For instance, when water from your rotting roof comes into contact with any electrical wiring in your house, it goes without saying that there can be a risk of fire. It can put your loved ones and valuables in danger.

Before your old roof begins to deteriorate, it’s a smart move to start investing in roof replacement and repair. NorthWest Construction is a roofing contractor you can rely on. We cater to the needs of our clients in West Bloomfield, Dearborn and Taylor, MI.  To learn more about how we can help you, reach out to us through our contact form or call (313) 277-7676.