Common Reasons Ice Dams Form

Ice dams are a common problem in many areas of the country, especially in colder climates. In Michigan, it is not uncommon to experience ice dams due to the cold temperatures and weather patterns that occur here during winter months. 

In this post, a trusted roofing contractor shares more information to help homeowners understand why these ice dams form and how they can prevent them from occurring on their roofs. 

Common Culprits Behind Ice Dams

Poor Ventilation

Another common cause of ice dams is poor attic ventilation. When there is not enough air circulating in the attic, warm air can become trapped and build up heat, which can then melt snow on the roof.

Uninsulated Attics

One of the primary causes of ice dams is an uninsulated attic. When warm air inside a home rises into the attic, it can melt snow on the roof. This melted snow then refreezes when it reaches the cold eaves of a house, forming an ice dam that can cause serious damage to shingles and gutters

Temperature Differences

Temperature differences between the roof and the eaves of a home can also cause ice dams. When the temperature at the roof is warmer than at the eaves, it can cause snow to melt faster on top while still freezing around lower areas of a house. 

Poor Roofing Quality

Poor roofing quality can also lead to ice dams. When a roof is not properly installed with high-quality materials, it can allow warm air to escape into the attic and melt snow on the roof. 

How to Prevent Ice Dams

Fortunately, there are some steps homeowners can take to help prevent ice dams from forming on their roofs. These include: 

If you are concerned about the possibility of ice dams forming on your roof, contact NorthWest Construction for roof repair services. We can help you take the necessary steps to prevent ice dams from occurring, and we will also be there to help if you experience any damage due to an ice dam. Contact us at (313) 277-7676 or fill out our online form to get started. We serve clients in Bloomfield, Dearborn and Taylor, MI.