Energy and Tax Savings From Timberline® Cool Series® Shingle

GAF’s Timberline® Cool Series® Shingle is more than just a roofing material; it’s an investment. As an ENERGY STAR®-certified product, it can save you a lot of money on energy and taxes. It’s one of the few asphalt shingles that can truly give you tangible benefits and still protect your home from the elements extremely well.


Reducing Solar Heat Gain

Any experienced roofing contractor, like NorthWest Construction, would say that a reflective roof, like the Timberline Cool Series Shingle, could reduce your cooling costs noticeably. It minimizes solar heat gain by deflecting most of the infrared light it catches. As a result, the sun won’t be much of a factor in your indoor climate. It acts as a protective barrier against the heat, making your living spaces naturally cooler and more comfortable during the hottest months.

Usually, cool roofing products come in light colors, but dark Timberline Cool Series Shingle varieties, such as weathered wood and barkwood, are also exceptionally reflective. It reconciles curb appeal and energy efficiency, which is something ordinary asphalt shingles aren’t known for.

Keeping the Attic From Becoming a Furnace

Timberline Cool Series Shingle is a vital element of GAF’s Lifetime Roofing System. Made with Advanced Protection® Technology and sealed with Dura Grip™ Adhesive, expect it to withstand the abuses of nature without needing frequent roof repair jobs. It’s compatible with other GAF components, including WeatherWatch® Leak Barrier and Cobra Attic Ventilation. Together, they help your roof resist damage, expel moisture and prevent heat buildup.

Qualifying for Federal Tax Credits

The reinstated tax credit qualifies ENERGY STAR-approved roofing shingles with cooling granules designed to combat heat gain. It can make you eligible to use 10% of your project’s cost (without labor expense) to reduce your tax liabilities.

In addition to a cool roof, installing ENERGY STAR-certified windows and skylights, such as Andersen and Velux products, can trim your energy consumption even more. Plus, you can round out the entire thing by installing seamless gutters for exceptional leak protection.

Turn to a GAF Master Elite® roofer like NorthWest Construction for a hassle-free project. To talk about your home improvement needs, call us at (313) 277-7676 to schedule your in-home consultation and estimate. We serve West Bloomfield, Taylor and Dearborn, MI, and other nearby communities.