Questions to Ask a Potential Roofer Before Hiring Them

A roof repair or replacement project is a significant home improvement task for any homeowner to undertake. Therefore, when it comes to such a task, it’s best that you leave it in the hands of professionals. Before you hire a contractor, however, it’s highly recommended that you vet them first by asking a few important questions, such as:

How Long Will the Repair or Replacement Take?

A roofing project can disrupt the homeowner’s daily routine. Therefore, before the roofing project commences, make sure to ask your contractor for the timeline of the project. That way, you can adjust your schedules accordingly and maintain a normal routine for the duration of the project as much as possible.

Are You Licensed and Insured?

When you ask your roofing contractor this question, the answer that they should give you should always be “yes”. This is because a license would mean that your contractor knows the roofing codes of your area and they can follow it to help you avoid any violations in your roofing project. An insurance, meanwhile, frees you from any responsibility should the roofer sustain any injuries while working on your property. If your contractor is not licensed or insured, part ways with their company and find a different roofer to get the job done instead.

How Long Have You Been in Business?

While there’s nothing wrong with hiring a roofer who’s only been in the business for a few years, a roofing project is something you’ll want experienced professionals to handle. Therefore, if you want to gauge a roofer’s experience, make sure to ask them how long they’ve been in business. The longer they’ve been in the roofing business, the more experienced and trustworthy they’re bound to be.

Planning a roof replacement project this spring season? Don’t hesitate to turn to Northwest Construction, the number one experts to approach when it comes to installing new gutters and roofs in your home. Give us a call at (313) 277-7676 or fill out our contact form to get a free quote. We serve homeowners in Bloomfield, Dearborn, Taylor and other nearby areas in MI.