What a Gutter Protection System Can Do for You

The performance of your roofing system depends greatly on its individual components. This includes the decking, the underlayment and even the soffits and fascia that finish the look of your roof. Perhaps one of the most overlooked parts of any roofing system, however, are your gutters.

Gutters help keep rainwater from flooding your roof assembly. Unfortunately, they are prone to getting backed up by any dirt or debris that falls into their troughs. Clogged gutters can lead to a number of different problems in your home but many homeowners fail to remember to clean their gutters regularly. You can avoid most clogging issues by installing a good gutter protection system. Let our roofing professionals at Northwest Construction help you understand these versatile devices and whether or not they are the right choice for your home.

No More Cleaning Gutters

Gutter maintenance is one of those chores that most people don’t look forward to. You can always entrust the job to your local roofing contractor at a cost. With a reliable gutter guard, you can prevent blockages by stopping anything that could cause it from getting into the gutters in the first place. This will not only save you a lot of headache from various home repairs, but it will also save you money on regular maintenance.

Ice Dam Prevention

Ice dams form when melted snow from the roof flows down the panels and refreezes near the eaves. They can also be caused by water in the gutters that pooled in the troughs as a result of an obstruction. By installing a gutter protection system, you eliminate one of the biggest culprits in ice dam formations from your home.

Water Damage Protection

Water penetration is the number one cause for many roof repair calls in the nation. It’s not surprising that a gutter system with poor water flow handling is the leading cause of water damage to roofing systems. You can maintain the efficiency of your gutters by using a good gutter protection system.

Talk to our professionals at Northwest Construction about gutter guards and gutter protection systems and keep your roof in good shape all year-round. Give us a call at  (313) 277-7676 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in Dearborn, Taylor, West Bloomfield and other surrounding areas in MI.