What Makes Seamless Gutters a Worthy Investment?

Fall is the best season for improving your home’s exterior in preparation for the coming winter. If you’re looking into having your gutters replaced, consider investing in seamless gutters. In today’s post, local gutter and roofing contractor Northwest Construction discuss why they are worth investing in.

Customized for Your Home

Traditional gutter systems are assembled using 10-foot pre-shaped gutter segments, which means there will be joints and seams in the middle of the gutter troughs. Seamless gutters, on the other hand, are crafted on-site. Instead of pre-cut lengths of gutter, we bring rolls of material and the machine that shapes it into your chosen gutter profile and cuts it into custom lengths. This process also helps reduce waste, thanks to fewer gutter trimmings.

Low-Maintenance Requirements

One of the most common causes of corrosion on segmented gutters is when the caulk on the seams, as well as the outer coatings, get worn out, which exposes the bare metal underneath. This is not a problem with seamless gutters because there are virtually no seams to begin with. They also come in a durable factory-applied coating that lasts much longer than regular paint. Seamless gutters made from corrosion-resistant materials like aluminum or copper likewise require virtually no maintenance.

Less Chances of Clogging

The joints and seams in segmented gutters may trap twigs or needles. They can, over time, trap other kinds of debris and form dams inside the gutter troughs, resulting in clogging. You don’t have to worry about this when you have seamless gutters, as there are no joints and seams to trap anything. Seamless gutters are also extremely easy to clean. Or, if you would rather not spend an afternoon cleaning your gutters, we recommend investing in a gutter protection system.

Longer Service Life

Ultimately, all of the above features add up to a long service life and long-term reliable performance. Seamless gutters generally have higher upfront costs than segmented gutters. But considering the savings derived from fewer cleaning and maintenance appointments and the roofing damage that it can prevent, then seamless gutters are the more cost-effective option in the long run.

Northwest Construction is your leading provider of gutter installation and roof repair services. Give us a call at (313) 277-7676. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in West Bloomfield, Dearborn and Taylor, MI.