What Type of Gutter Protection Should You Install?

Clogged gutters are perhaps the most common causes of roof repair problems in most North American homes. In fact, homes in the desert are probably the only ones who don’t have to worry much about clearing away leaves and other debris in their gutters every season. Unfortunately, Michigan is about as far from a desert as you can imagine so every fall and winter season, homeowners break out their ladders and gloves for some good ‘ole gutter cleaning.

Thankfully, there is a way to keep your gutters from getting inundated by dirt and debris every season. You can install gutter protection systems that can stop potential obstructions even before they get inside your troughs. Here are a few tips from our experts at Northwest Construction on how to choose effective gutter protection.

How Does Gutter Protection Work?

The concept behind gutter guards are simple and straightforward. These devices are installed by your roofing contractor on top of your existing gutters and they work like a filter against leaves, branches and other common clogging culprits. At the same time, they still allow water to flow freely through, ensuring that your roof is kept safe against water penetration problems.

Types of Gutter Guards

There are a lot of different types of gutter protection you can choose from. Some variants work like thick brushes that catch leaves and debris for easier clean up. The most common type of gutter protection, however, are gutter covers that function like a mesh lid on top of your gutters without affecting water flow.

Which Gutter Should You Choose?

Depending on how much tree debris you expect your gutters to handle, gutter covers and surface tension guards are typically the most effective. These are designed to push leaves away from the eaves troughs and onto the ground for easier cleanup.

At Northwest Construction, we are your leading provider of roof installation services as well as effective gutter protection products. Give us a call at (313) 277-7676 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in West Bloomfield, Taylor, Dearborn and other nearby areas in MI.