You Need a New Roof: 5 Telltale Signs

All roofs are expected to last a certain number of years and will eventually need to be replaced. Fortunately, the shift from “good working condition” to “needs replacement” isn’t sudden, and if you pay attention to certain signs, you can have ample time to prepare for its replacement. In today’s post, local roofing contractor NorthWest Construction takes a look at some of these signs.

  1. Your roof is more than 20 years old. A standard asphalt shingle roof is expected to last 20 to 30 years. Lacking other signs of an impending replacement — which will be discussed below — the roof’s age is a good gauge of its remaining service life. You can determine a roof’s age through documentation like the original roofing contract, receipts, warranties, insurance or emails between you and the roofer. A roofing professional can also inspect your roof and estimate its age.
  2. Missing shingles. Old asphalt shingles can crack, curl or become dislodged due to age and normal wear and tear. While missing shingles can be replaced through professional roof repair, there will come a time where a full replacement becomes the more practical option than repairs.
  3. Sagging roof line. A sagging roof line indicates a problem with the framing, which could have been caused by moisture damage or framing that’s too old. In any case, the framing will not be able to support the weight of the roof for long.
  4. Granules in the gutters. You’ve probably found small amounts of sediment in the gutters as you cleaned them. Asphalt shingles shed a few granules as they’re loosened by rain, or impact from small objects hitting the roof. Small amounts are normal; large amounts are not. If you’re finding inch-deep sediment in the gutters, it means the shingles are starting to deteriorate and will need to be replaced soon.
  5. High energy bills. Worn-out insulation in the attic can raise your home’s heating and cooling bills, which can result in a gradual increase in your utility bills. A new roof is an opportunity to improve your roof’s insulation and make your home more energy-efficient.

Talk to our team at NorthWest Construction if you have problems with your roof and gutters. You can call us at (313) 277-7676 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve communities in West Bloomfield, Dearborn and Taylor, MI.